Sunday, November 16, 2008

80 Miles to go...

Hi All,

We are 80 miles away from Anguilla and hope to arrive by 10 or so tonight. I wish I could say that things have gotten smoother but it is still really bumpy. Peter and Jane and Carol and Jesse thanks for your comments it alsways nice to hear from people when you are being tossed around and getting cranky... Peter you will appreciate why we can only write periodically, as we are hard heeled on port tack and I can't keep my butt in the nav station seat. I am going to rig a harness right away. Everyone will also be happy to know that we had our first real sea fight... I will describe it in more funny details once this silly boat stops flopping around so much. Colleen recovered in 24 hours and is now in fine form sitting outside reading happily in the sun as I have used a whole roll of duct tape to secure her from falling overboard (just kidding). We have not seen anything but flying fish and not one boat for 5 days, strange but at least we can't get run over that way. Also, peter again you will appreciate, our toilet does not flush on port tack properly and now smells like a truck stop bathroom, nice!!!! Once we arrive we are going to have a nice sleep, clean the boat and ourselves, send some emails, and go running in the morning. Then I am going to eat 7 whole lobsters as we ran out of fresh food yesterday. All the best to all


Jane and Peter Bugg said...

As I read this you should be half way there! Hope Land Ho comes soon. Hey....we've had sea fights and haven't even left the dock!
PB & J

Jane and Peter Bugg said...

Bravo! Bravo! to both of you. I hope the weather is awesome when you get to shore. You deserve a break after your ride south. The lobsters sound awesome. I will be picking your brains for years to come about all the things you have had to deal with. Overall how has the boat handled? Look forward to your blog when you land.
Peter :-)

babyboomer52 said...

Hi you guys, Just checked on google earth and can see you are almost there! Sounds like a rough trip. Can't wait to hear from you after you arrive on land again. :-)

Kathleen Kistofik said...

Congratulations - it is Moinday morning and I just checked - you have made it to your 2nd stop. I can't wait to hear about Anguilla!