Saturday, October 4, 2008

1st day off the dock...

This morning we woke up to a gorgeous sunny day with a great breeze.  Our boat has been back in the water for a few weeks now, but as of this morning, had yet to leave the dock.  We decided that today would be the perfect day for a test sail.  At 9:30 we were on our way out of the marina, and by 11 we were cruising 8 knots under the Newport Bridge.  Not long after the wind died down.  We mutually assessed the situation and together decided to head back.  
At this point we were very hungry and both looking forward to the fajitas we would enjoy upon our return.  45 minutes to fajita time and the wind completely died.  (Luckily for us we also enjoy less Eco-friendly forms of energy.)  So we fired up the motor and pummelled onward to our fajitas.  
30 minutes to fajita time and our conversation was interrupted by a high pitched alarm. We shut down our newly tuned engine and investigated the situation to find that our engine was smoking and coolant had spilled out.  We called our boat yard and we were told help was on the way.  In the mean time we put our sails up to avoid drifting into land.  After not too long we were rescued and safely returned to our slip at New England Boatworks to enjoy our fajitas.   Now, Saturday afternoon, with a great weekend forecast, we are stuck on our slip awaiting the fate of our engine which will be determined first thing Monday morning...but at least we got our fajitas!

1 comment:

Jane and Peter Bugg said...

Hope you had a few drinks as well...maybe a few more after engine diagnosis today! Good luck.